Standard PTO Kit 6 Spline for PTO
Shafts with a 1.375" (1 3/8") Diameter
The Standard PTO Kit 6 Spline consists of two (2) standalone products: the PTO Grease Plug 6 Spline and the Tractor PTO Cover 6 Spline. Each of the two (2) above products were designed to work together and create a seamless solution named The Standard PTO Kit 6 Spline. When you are ready to use your implement, the PTO Grease Plug 6 Spline is inserted into the Tractor PTO Cover 6 Spline. Once 'nested' and locked together, the PTO Grease Plug 6 Spline supply of clean grease is protected from dirt and other foreign materials. The Tractor PTO Cover 6 Spline is also protected once locked together and both 'nested' products can be placed in the tractor cab or truck floor without the concern of getting grease in places you prefer it not be.

The Standard PTO Kit is the product which was one of the 2024 World Ag Expo Top-10 New Product Winners. Click on the below link to read about the award:

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